Sunday, September 25, 2011

blog #3



TWO SEVEN YEAR OLDS ride in backseat as a YELLOW BEETLE drives by. One punches the other.


Yellow one.

BLUE JETTA turns left at intersection. WOMAN in city bus punches the DRIVER in the arm.


Blue one.

TWO 40 YEAR OLD WOMEN power walk in their neighborhood past a driveway with a RED JETTA STATIONWAGON. One punches the other.

Powerwalking woman

Red one!

WHITE VOLKSWAGEN SUV passes a SHERIFF CAR with TWO SHERIFFS inside. Sheriff punches the other.


White one.

Other sheriff looks over, annoyed.

GIRL gets punched in mini-van in arm. GUY punches GIRL driving a convertable.TWO people stand in the rain, one punches the other as a red car drives by.

BLACK MINI VAN drives by as LITTLE BOY punches GRANDPA in leg.


Black one!

Grandpa screams.

SILVER CAR drives by ambulance and parks as a nurse inside the ambulance punches the other while taking care of patient.


Silver one.

Guy punches girl in arm. Waitress punches man in arm as he holds coffee and spills it.

BLUE CAR shown.

Woman in car in labor breathing hard as car drives by deep punches husband.


Green one.

RED CAR drives past AMISH BUGGY. AMISH punches the other.


Red one.

TWO GUYS in messy party clothes, guy punches passed out friend.


Green one.

Girl punches girl, guy gets punched in the tattoo. TWO GUYS putting wetsuits on, one guy punches his friend, the friend falls down.


White one.



RED JETTA pulls away from curb.


Red one!

Stevie Wonder punches TRACY MORGAN.


How do you do that?




Ha nothing! How you did that?


I said ha!



Volkswagen ad at the end.

Deep voice (V.O.)

With thirteen different models, it's a whole new Volkswagen, and a whole new game.


(Sorry I couldn't figure out how to export from Celtx so it's not in the correct script format)

I just used a commercial for my script, but it still has sound design involved even though it may be simple. I would say that most of the sounds are literal. Most of the sounds are either people talking or punching each other besides the music in the background. I would say the sources of sound are non-diagetic because although there are punching noises, talking, ambulance noises, there is also music in the background that the characters wouldn't be able to hear in the scenes. There would be limited sound in this commercial because most of it is the music in the background and foreground noises such as people talking.

"finding your howl"

Finding Your Howl by Jonathon Flaum starts off talking about a pack of red wolves that get taken into captivity because they are endangered. They are in captivity for so long that when released into the wild, they forget how to howl. They didn't need to howl in their cages or hunt because they were fed on schedules everyday so basically they forgot to be wild animals. The wolf kept going through obstacles to try to learn how to howl but could never get it. The moral of the story is that you will always have a barrier to overcome to get want you want and once you overcome a certain barrier there will be several more after that. For instance, the tiger in the story Jonathon told where he kept escaping from the cages at the zoo and would just end up in another cage relates to life. Your personal cage never disappears, but there are ways that you can escape it and 'find your howl'.

"My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso." - Pablo Picasso.

This quote means something to me creatively for many reasons. First, I take it saying that if you work hard enough at something you will end up at the top such as starting as a soldier and ending up a general or starting as a camera-man, intern, or assistant and ending up being director. If you work hard enough at something, it will pay off at the end. Like the 'Finding Your Howl' blog, you have many things and "cages" you must overcome in life to reach your goals. 
This quote also represents what I'm trying to accomplish with being in a creative major because instead of just taking the typical route and wanting to be a teacher, or sit in a cubical and work a 9-5 job I'm doing something different. Instead of being a soldier or general, Picasso wanted to be different and became a painter, so he made a name for himself because he worked hard and stood out.

Friday, September 16, 2011

character blog.

For the hero, the background of the picture will be the American flag because he protects his country. He wears a navy blue suit which represent the blue on the flag. Instead of using white or red for the other colors of the character, he will have a darker green as well similar to the statue of liberty staying with the patriotic theme. The colors red, white, blue, and green represent the character's patriotism, strength, and shows that he will stick up for his country.
For lighting, the character will have all light on him from all directions so he has no shadows and the audience pays attention to him and not what's behind him. The focus should always be on him so that is why he is lit so well. He will not have shadows because shadows represent evil.

For shape I wanted the hero to be square shaped to represent strength and for the villain to be set back by his muscles and strength.

For the villain's colors, I chose for his colors to be browns, grays, and blacks to represent the desert. He is a terrorist, so he is from overseas trying to attack America, so we made him be from the desert and his colors represent that. Using these dull, dark colors also make him look evil rather than the bright hues on the hero.
For lighting of the villain, I used inspiration from The Godfather. In the Godfather as you see above they are very poorly lit to add more suspense and mystery to the characters. Another thing I wanted to focus on with lighting is the eyes, in The Godfather as well as many other movies, the eyes are very poorly lit. You can't see the iris or pupils in the eyes, just a little sliver of light and the rest of the eye is black. 

For the villain's shape, I decided to make him look weak/old so I gave him a circular shape. Not very muscular, doesn't have a strong posture, and would not be intimidating.