Wednesday, November 9, 2011

blog 8

In Seth Godin's Brainwashed, he talks about seven ways to reinvent yourself. The first layer you must overcome is stripping your public school learning that trains you to do factory work the rest of your life. You must learn that instead on the teachers telling you "sticking out was bad" in school, it really is a good thing in the work industry. People who blend in to the mass group will be the ones working in the factories the rest of their lives. The people who stuck out are now the Steve Jobs and Barack Obama of society.
You also must realize that you have the freedom to do what you want. Society trains us that to be happy you must have a stable life, to have a stable life, you must make money, and to make money you must have a job. That is not necessarily how it happens. I know bums that are a lot happier with their life than someone making millions being a CEO of a company working a 9-5 job.

One way to reinvent yourself is to connect. This is my favorite one because my parents say "if you ever want to get a job, you better delete that Facebook of yours." In actuality Facebook can be a good tool to network with people and share your work. Facebook isn't all about uploading drunk pictures and posting derogatory statuses. It can actually help your career.
Be generous is talking about the economy. When people give, they will eventually get back, it's all in good karma. It's all about being generous and not expecting something back. People will remember that.
The next step was make art. The more art you make the more ideas will come to you. If you don't make art, then how are you going to get any further with your career as an artist. That is like telling a student not to do his homework.
The next step was the acknowledgement of the lizard. The lizard brain is the part of the back of your brain that tells you to be safe and caution. The lizard brain also gets angry if you are laughed at. This is why you are afraid to take chances and put your artwork out there because you don't want to get laughed at. You need to first realized you have a lizard brain, and then ignore it.
The next step was ship.Ship means how available you're going to make your product. If your customer needs your product the next day and you are able to ship it within that time frame, you will be more successful and maybe even make more money. If you can't get your products to your customers in a timely manner, they are more likely to go find the product from someone else.
Fail is the next step. You learn from experience, especially failure. Something my mom always tells me is "you have 20/20 vision when you look at the past" which means you learn what exactly you will do next time not to make that same mistake.
The last step is learn. Even if you completely all of your schooling you are never done learning. You learn from your everyday experiences and mistakes so technically you're never out of school.

These layers have applied to me in my assignments this quarter. The first layer of connect really applied to this class because I only knew one person in my lab and everything was group projects. I ended up connecting with all of the class while collaborating over projects.
The second layer of be generous applied to this lab because sometimes when I put more effort into a project than my parter, I didn't complain or even care. It also did come and pay me back later on in the quarter when I could only work on part of a project, my partner helped me out a lot with that.
The third layer of make art applied to this course because every week we were presented with a challenge to make something artistic, even if it was something that we had little experience with. Also, no matter what your art looked like from professional looking projects to chicken scratch, everyone appreciated every different skill level of art.
Acknowledgement of the Lizard was something that I really overcame in this class. The first class I was dreading presenting my project because I was afraid of what people would think, then every week it got easier because I didn't care what people thought anymore.
Ship was in this class because our projects were expected to be presented every Friday, and it was very unprofessional if we did not turn them in on time and we lost points.
Fail happened in this class to my first project. Even though I didn't actually fail the project, I thought I did terrible on it, and after that project I learned what the standard was going to be in the class and never made a poor project like my first project again.
Learn was a part of this class because every week we learned new things such as using Garage Band, iMovie, and Pencil. Even though I know Final Cut Pro and thought iMovie was a breeze, I still learned about it even though I thought I wouldn't.

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