The brightness and saturation are very different in these two photos. The first one is very bright and doesn't use any dark colors at all because it is a happy scene. The second photo uses all dark colors (besides the characters), but even the characters' bright colors are very desaturated and faded out.
They don't really use any shadows in Spongebob, but if they were to put shadows in these scenes there would be a lot more shadows in the second picture to resemble darkness and that they are in a scary place. The symbolism of the colors is that the darker colors resemble the scary, foreign place they are in. In the first picture the bright colors symbolize happiness which also puts you in these moods when you watch these specific scenes.
In the first picture the movements are very diagonal as opposed to the second picture all the lines are going parallel. There aren't many things in each scene so there are not many overlapping movements. The weight in the first picture I would consider light because it is using very easy colors to look at. The second picture is more contrasting with the different colors.
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